The power of music and film

A blog by Danny Channon

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A Night For Scotland: Scottish artists put on a show in support of Independence

By Daniel Channon


Usher Hall, Edinburgh

The gig will take place in Edinburgh’s Usher Hall

On Sunday the 14th of September a selection of Scottish Musicians  will put on a show in Edinburgh’s Usher Hall to support Scottish Independence.

The show which features acts from Mogwai, Franz Ferdinand and Frightened Rabbit was announced on the 1st of September with tickets priced at £15. The tickets sold out within a week.

Mogwai called the referendum a “once in a life time opportunity” saying that the Scottish people had a chance to “take our place on the global stage and show the world what we are made of”. Frightened Rabbit said the concert was a chance to “reach out” to undecided voters through the means of music, also stating “We are a nation of such great wealth and talent in all areas that we’ve not only got what it takes, but we deserve to be in the driving seat of our own destiny. We can do a better job”.



Counter Concert

It’s been suggested artists on the other side should put on their own show. Acts could include Paul McCartney who spoke of his support of the union in August or David Bowie who said “Scotland, stay with us” at the Brit Awards earlier this year

With the referendum only just over a week away a counter concert seems unlikely but celebrities from both sides of the argument are likely to voice their feelings.

With many voters already made their mind up their unlikely to change  from one side to the other with comments from celebrities.